Monday, November 12, 2007

Recruiting Executive Talent to Ottawa... or Anywhere for that Matter

Ottawa is a city that is struggling with its own success in the technology sector. It is without question, a city blessed with some of the most brilliant minds in research and development. Ottawa is stimulating, satisfying and a remarkable place to live and work. Any resident can, and most likely will, tell you that.

Over the past few years, much has been said about what Ottawa lacks… other than a Stanley Cup. Topping that list is an assessment that within the technology sector, Ottawa lacks depth in certain key senior management positions. The reasons for this are varied. They include the region’s strong history and culture as an R&D center, the lack of direct access to both consumer and capital markets and an absence of Corporate Head Offices and the resulting resident mentors required to develop talent.

Whatever the reasons, there are solutions. Shifting the culture, further developing entrepreneurs and fostering growth through industry organizations and resident companies are long-term strategies that will serve us well in the future. However, if you don’t have 5-10 years to wait, the most direct solution is to import the executive talent.

Few would argue that the key to a successful company is its people and particularly leaders. An adage that comes to mind is: “The speed of the leader sets the pace for the pack”. So, if you do not have the executive expertise in-house or in your city, you must import; your business success depends on it.

Unfortunately, Ottawa is not always considered a prime destination for relocation. Perceptions about the climate, culture, language barriers and a separation from the “key decision makers” add to this barrier. Clients often ask me how I will attract senior executive talent, particularly from the US, to a “B-list” location like Ottawa. The answer, and the most important point I would like to make, is that there are no B-list locations; every place is an A-list location to someone. That is not to say that there aren’t significant challenges involved in relocating candidates from, as an example, the Valley…Silicon Valley that is…to any city in Canada. There are. However, these challenges are not insurmountable. Let’s discuss the nature of some of these obstacles, and some ways we can overcome them.

What Makes People Relocate

Recruiting senior talent has always had its challenges. In today’s economy, the complexity and maturity of executive talent has created an environment where it is no longer just about career development and dollars. You must convince a seasoned executive to leave not only his or her current employer, but to leave the security of their home and support network to uproot, and begin a new life in your city. Society’s affluence has reduced our willingness to seek opportunity.

In case after case; executives will tell you that their reason for accepting a new position was not solely driven by monetary compensation or the opportunity to step up in their career. Certainly a number of VP’s and C-level executives have been wooed by the promise of a “buy a private island” exit opportunity, but most cite other factors. The message here is that when senior executives change positions and or cities, more often than not it is a quality of life move.

This is a very useful piece of information. In addition to the challenge, selling a new location as an excellent place to live can convince some individuals to relocate, even if the new opportunity offers a comparable (or occasionally even lower) salary than their current role. What’s more, improving someone’s quality of life is different for everyone. The secret is properly matching the right people to the right place.

Three Fundamental Truths:
Before I continue, I must acknowledge three very important points. First, some people will not relocate regardless of the how much money or how good an opportunity you throw at them. I will illustrate with a somewhat extreme example, however I think it drives the point home. I have a friend who took a role in another city several years ago. Tragically, during his time there, his 5 year-old-daughter passed away and is buried nearby. While he feels his career has progressed as far as it can in his current location, he has no interest in leaving his daughter’s resting place behind. More common is the divorced parent who is unwilling to move any distance away from his or her children, or one’s need to look after aging parents. Whatever the reason, we must accept that there are some folks who will not leave where they are.

Second, rational thought dictates that the fundamental reason for a person to accept a new position is the belief that this move will improve the person’s life in some way. The logical extension of this is that moving someone to a location that does not improve his or her quality of life is irrational. So rather than hoodwinking candidates into relocating to places they don’t want to, educate them and their families on the benefits of that location, find out what matters to them and connect the dots.

Finally, it cannot be stated strongly enough that you need to sell your company’s value-proposition. Just as you need to articulate your business plan, product strategy and vision to potential investors, you must do the same for potential employees. Far too many companies are not prepared to answer tough questions from prospective candidates. Remember you are asking this person to invest their time and energy; not to mention their family’s time and energy into your company. Put yourself in the prospective candidate’s shoes. Give them the assurances that you would demand. This is page one, Sales 101. Remarkably many companies fail miserably at doing this. Admittedly, it is a very difficult task. Most of us tend to wear blinders complimented by rose-tinted glasses when looking at our own companies or ourselves. Take an honest objective view of your opportunity.

Working from this basis, we can now approach our recruiting assignment with an honest and respectful approach.

Nothing to Fear

Many companies begin their search with a view that there is not a local candidate with the strength or depth to take the company to the next level. Often they are correct in their assumption, but at times, a search of the local market turns up a worthwhile candidate or two. If the local individual is overall the best candidate, then both you as a CEO or search committee and I as your headhunter have succeeded. Sadly more times then I’d like to admit, after bringing a slate of world-class candidates from outside the city to the table, companies ‘settle’ for a lesser local candidate. The decision to settle is made because of fear. Fear that the company will face the challenges of having to overcome the relocation issues, the least of which are immigration and cost of relocation. Ask yourself at the outset, do you want the best hire or the easiest? I will assume you want the best hire possible, but be honest. Securing the best candidate for your company is always a factor of your company’s compensation structure, value proposition, and financial health and your willingness to embrace these realities. Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror before you go out.

To be truly effective when recruiting someone to a new location, I believe you need to have a deep knowledge of and affinity for the location to which you are recruiting. Many companies make the mistake of hiring a firm based in the US or a brand-name firm located elsewhere to recruit to Ottawa, believing that these firms will have a better network than an Ottawa-based firm. Some may also suffer from the age-old “they’re local so they can’t be that good” philosophy. It may make sense if the position is to be based in a US city, however this wisdom is somewhat flawed in that a US firm generally knows very little about Ottawa, nor cares about the community in which the prospective candidate and his or her family will live. The information they provide is often second hand and skewed. If a candidate decides to accept a position based on misinformation, incomplete information or without a true appreciation of the cultural differences between Canadian and American management style, they or their family have a high probability of being unhappy in the new location. As a number of high profile “flameouts” will attest to, this translates directly into performance issues, and the candidate eventually quits or fails in their new job as a result.

Turning Drawbacks into Advantages:
Most “obstacles” in recruiting can be just as easily selling points for the right individual; every location is an ideal place to live and work for somebody. The idea is to match the right person to the right location.

The secret to making that match is knowledge!

• Know the location
• Know the candidate, their hobbies, dreams and goals
• Know about the candidate’s spouse, children, and friends

Working Spouses:
“Will there be work for my husband/wife” is one of the most frequently asked questions when I discuss relocating with candidates, and for good reason. Families may have financial commitments or goals that demand two incomes, or a spouse who has a genuine passion for his or her work and may be unwilling to let go of it easily. Not every location will offer an opportunity for both partners, especially if each works in a different industry. A spouse with a background in the financial sector, for example, may have trouble finding meaningful employment at the executive level in Ottawa.

Conversely, a centre could offer a major employment opportunity for a spouse. In Ottawa, a bilingual spouse or one with public policy or academic training may welcome a chance to move to the nation’s capital. The same could be said of an environmental engineer moving to Sudbury, a biotechnologist moving to Kingston, or a marine-biologist moving to Halifax. Having a good understanding of the industries and employment opportunities your center has to offer, other than the position you are recruiting for, is a decided advantage when trying to recruit to that location.

Similar to concerns regarding working spouses, some parents may be concerned their children will react badly to a move. Gone are the days when families blindly follow. Things like specialized school programs, sports, coaches, arts and other activities are now serious concerns for many families. A candidate with children heavily involved in one or more of these programs may be loath to leave it behind. However, finding equivalent programs in the new location can ease many of these concerns. Or, some candidates may be sold on a new location because of these opportunities.

Geography and Weather:
Geography, in the broader sense of the word, can pose a problem for some candidates considering relocation. One of the more clichéd complaints about moving to a new city is the weather: Vancouver is too rainy, Ottawa is too cold, Atlanta too humid, Phoenix too dry. A general like or dislike for a certain kind of weather can be a deterrent. Recruiting to Ottawa in January has its own set of challenges. Beyond weather, other geographic factors come into play. A candidate may be an avid skier, sailor or fisherman, making cities with access to mountains, ocean or rivers etc. more appealing. Geography can be a draw, even to Ottawa in January. A reasonably sized city of approximately 1 million, Ottawa does not share the level of air pollution found in many other cities. A candidate could also be delighted by the access to sailing, kayaking, hiking, skiing, farms and nature near Ottawa. How a culture embraces the elements and their environment can be very invigorating to a new resident. As well, daily commute times to and from work, may be significantly reduced when locating to a city like Ottawa, leaving more time for family.

Facilities and Amenities:
Another common concern is that a new city won’t have the theatres, stadiums, hospitals or schools that are found in a candidate’s current home. Most times this concern is unwarranted, but for others it can be valid. A candidate may have a child with long-term health issues and need to be close to specialists or a major hospital. There will be times when this obstacle is insurmountable. If special medical or other essential facilities just don’t exist in a new location, it may be in a candidate’s best interests to stay where they are.

On the other hand, sometimes a smaller centre offers more amenities than a candidate might expect. Make sure you tell your candidate everything your city has to offer, and you might surprise them with how much happens in your “quiet” city.

Business Environment and Social Culture:
The culture of an area can also attract or deter candidates. As mentioned in the introduction, Ottawa, is a superb high tech town with an entrepreneurial streak and a conservative public image. Whether or not an individual will match a city’s business environment, stage of development and general outlook on life is an important consideration.
Being aware of subcultures and ‘communities within communities’ in your location will be helpful. Knowing that Ottawa has a (small l) liberal underground, a British style Gentleman’s Club, a Little Italy, Chinatown and a Lebanese community is helpful when trying to ease a candidate’s fears that they or their families will not have a peer group in their new city.
After Sales Service
So you have convinced your candidate that their life will be better for taking on the role for which you have been recruiting. They have hitched-up and the wagon train is headed North. From a recruiting standpoint, you are satisfied, but your job is not done. Long-term success requires follow up to ensure your new hire and their family are adapting well to their new environment. This takes a commitment to engage in dialogue beyond the professional and a strategy to be inclusive and supportive of your employees’ families. This will help make your new hire successful in their role, and ultimately help your company to be successful on the world stage.

The technology sector in Ottawa has had a tremendously proud history of skilled entrepreneurs and we can look forward to continued successes. Our city’s ability to build and grow is directly related to our ability to develop, nurture and recruit executive talent. The magic formula for recruiting that talent is matching the right candidate; the right location; the right company; the right position all at the right time. The only way to do that is to properly understand the centre you are recruiting to and develop a genuine understanding and interest in your candidates. This knowledge will go a long way towards a successful recruiting assignment.

Chris Hawes

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